You want to know something that just breaks my heart into pieces?
It’s when talented people create amazing things, and then don’t know how to get those amazing creations seen by others.
We Live in an Online world now. You need to establish your business online.

We live in an online world now. It was heading that direction and then the recent global pandemic of the Coronavirus put this movement into lightening speed.
We don’t know when or if our world will return to that “normal” we experienced before the pandemic.
Even if it does revert back to a somewhat normal state, one thing has been realized;
- 60% of people say they’ve been as productive working from home as they were in an office. They want to stay home and work online.
- 69% of people are now looking forward to learning a new skill
- 57% are ready to pursue passions they’ve put off
Our world has gotten a taste of what it’s like to work online, shop online, learn online, investigate online and live a slower life at home.
Now, more than ever, businesses and entrepreneurs need to be able to showcase their creations, their products, their talents online.
Enter online marketing.

I know, I know. Do you instantly get that slimy feeling? Haha…I know I still do, and I’m in the online marketing world.
But I promise you, there are genuine people in the online world that truly want to help you get going with your online marketing experience.
I am one of them.
“Really Leah? How can we be so sure you’re a “real” person?”
Because I’ve experienced what I referenced at the start of this post.
I have one of the most talented husbands in the world when it comes to creating stunning woodworking, metal and (let’s be honest) about any crazy design I ask him to create for me.
We’ve been married 18 years and throughout those years I’ve watched him create gorgeous project after project, and my eyes are often the only ones to witness and appreciate his talents.
Case in point, he built these open tread stairs and metal frame with cable railing for our modern farmhouse. The dude has a wee bit of talent!

Now if he didn’t want to turn his talents and hobby into an income stream, then it’s no big deal I’m the ‘one and only’ that gets to appreciate his work.
But he would enjoy turning his hobby into a secondary income for us.
His story is not the only one.
I’ve met so many people that have similar stories. They create, they build, they write…but no one sees it. They’d love to see an income from their fruits of labor, but don’t know where to start.

Enough. I’ve had enough. No one will know what incredible thing you’ve created unless you get it out there for them to see it.
That means getting it online where so many eyes are at.
I do provide full service online Pinterest marketing for those that choose to have me take care of it for them.
But, if you’re more of a DIYers, I want to help you too!

Some entrepreneurs can’t budget for me to “just take care of it for them,” so I decided I’d figure out a way to help that group of go getters.
If I had to pick just one online marketing method…it’s an easy pick for me…Pinterest.
“Really? Pinterest?” you question.
Yep. I’d pick Pinterest over Facebook and Instagram, and here’s why:
- Pinterest has over 459 million people use Pinterest every month
- life span of a pin can be 7-9 years (versus 48 hours on Facebook and Instagram)
- Pinterest is a visual Google, NOT a social network like IG and FB
- 85% of users say they go to Pinterest to when they’re ready to start a project
- 98% of users say they have tried what they’ve found on Pinterest
- 89% of people use Pinterest for purchase inspiration
To start, I’ve created a downloadable workbook: Pinterest Marketing 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Setting Up Your Pinterest Business Account
This workbook is an easy-to-follow, click-by-click workbook that will help you set up your Pinterest Business Account and have it optimized in a way that will set you up for success with your online marketing.
Below are some sneak peeks inside the workbook.
Workbook number 2 is coming very soon and it will cover, easy step-by-step directions on creating the perfect pin and scheduling strategies and tactics.
AND…want more? I will be launching a monthly membership Pinterest Simplified where I will coach you through all things Pinterest Marketing and general online marketing strategies and tactics.
Email me or send me a DM on Instagram @leah_reinert if you’re interested in joining my Pinterest Simplified membership group!

I’d love to support you and answer all your questions!
Reach out to me anytime!